Join our Locals.com community as a supporter and learn to design & build with us as we complete the Victory Home!
Video series to launch September 2022.
Project build videos
No ads or sponsors
Live Sessions Q&A
Additional how-to videos
2 months free
Project build videos
No ads or sponsors
Live sessions Q&A
Additional how-to videos
Design tutorials by Zoom
Plans discount: 25%
BONUS: Participate in polls for future projects
Project build videos
No ads or sponsors
Live sessions Q&A
Additional how-to videos
Design tutorials by Zoom
Direct message Sarah & Jacob
2 months free
Project build videos
No ads or sponsors
Live sessions Q&A
Additional how-to videos
Design tutorials by Zoom
Direct message Sarah & Jacob
Plans discount: 100%
Materials take-off
Supplemental research
Updates and revisions
Design revision request
BONUS: Participate in polls for future projects
Project build videos
Videos will include a step-by-step series of the building process. Our first series will be on the Victory Home project, and we expect it to last approximately six months. Our annual subscribers (standard and premium) will be able to participate in a poll to select the next project.
No ads or sponsors
All Locals.com videos will not contain any platform advertisements or sponsored videos. We will talk about specific products that we use, but there will not be any placed in our videos to sell or otherwise market those products.
Live sessions Q&A
Sarah & Jacob will host a live session about twice a month. We will talk about the design details, discuss the research behind the building plan details, and discuss variations and options.
Additional how-to videos
We will post how-to shorts that may include quick lessons on building skills, plans modifications, or tips and tricks relevant to the project.
Design tutorials by Zoom
We will host monthly SketchUp design tutorials to show how to alter the design plans to suit your needs. This will include lessons on modifying plans or creating plans for your own projects, but the basic use of SketchUp will not be taught.
Direct message Sarah & Jacob
Premium supporters will have the Locals function of sending Sarah & Jacob direct messages using the Locals platform on a desktop browser (this currently does not work in the phone app). We will always try to respond to messages within 24 hours, but please keep communications project related.
Plans discount
Plans can be purchased at our website. Becoming an annual supporter will qualify for a discount on buying these plans. Once you become a yearly contact, we can arrange your purchase for the discounted plans. Do not purchase the plans first because we will not be giving any refunds or reimbursements afterward.
Materials take-off
All of our materials take-offs will be shared and updated as we progress, including substitutions, or make changes. This will be in the form of a spreadsheet and distributed through a shared cloud drive.
Supplemental research
We spend lots of time looking into the building science of this building. That research continues and includes articles, code references, and a book list. This information will be shared and added to as the project evolves.
Updates and revisions
There are many ways to build this house, and we will explore those options and include designs for these variations. For instance, adding eaves, installing foam insulation on the top of the roof, changing the style, etc.
Design revision request
We will take requests for design modifications and work on some of these for release to premium annual supporters. These will also be design variations that we will include in our Zoom design tutorials. We will release the SketchUp file for these changes and have a PDF showing the design details that may supplement your building plans. Examples of changes that can be made are windows and doors, interior walls, decks and porch, roof pitch and design, and kitchen and bathroom layout.
Polls for future projects
We expect the Victory Home project to last about six months, but we will continue to build. We have many options for what we may do in the future as the list of things we want at our homestead is long (Cold room, root cellar, lumber shed/pole barn, solar kiln, greenhouse). We also have some professional design/build projects that we may document this way. Annual supporters can help choose what projects will film and document on Locals.

*Basic building plans will include floor plans, framing plans, elevations, sectional views, and typical building details required for building. No other benefits of joining Locals as a supporter will be included in this purchase.
If you would like customization or additional details unique for you project, please contact us below to get a quote.
*You will get the editable .SKP file that we used for this design. We chose SketchUp for this project because it is a low-cost (basic version if free) versatile design tool that can do everything needed to design and build a home. It is easy to learn and easy to customize and modify designs. Creating your own building model in SketchUp will have no license restrictions.You will have no license restrictions by creating your own building model in SU.
**Single Use Building License: When you buy a house plan, you must agree to the terms & conditions of the license agreement, which include the use of these plans to build one structure. See an example of the license agreement.